Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Holiday in the City a Success

Consider this a “shout out” to Maureen Fagans, Center City Association Executive Director, the City of Springfield, the event sponsors and the team of volunteers who helped make the largest annual event in the downtown a success. The fireworks were fantastic, the lights spectacular, the arrival of Santa a highlight even for me and Christmas Village in the old Meeks store again drew a crowd. This goes to show what we can do as a community when volunteers pitch in, donors are generous and the townspeople appreciative. All this despite the economy. Another large crowd estimated at 14,000 all but assured this event will continue to be a Christmas Season highlight for Springfield and the entire region. As the downtown park is completed next year and retail, restaurants and entertainment venues are added downtown, Springfield and Holiday in the City will only get bigger and better. Like Santa said upon his arrival: “It’s great to be in Springfield.” Have a great Chamber day!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Springfield City Schools Community Forums

One of the frustrations people sometimes have about school systems is the perception that they operate in a vacuum and don’t welcome outside input. That can’t be said about Springfield City Schools. Tonight, Dec. 1 and Tuesday, Dec. 8, Springfield City Schools Leadership is hosting two Community Forums. The purpose of the forums as explained by Superintendent David Estrop is to improve academic performance of the students, which he understands is critically important to not only the students but the entire community. It’s great to know that the superintendent in the community’s largest district sees that connection. A volunteer committee of more than 50 people has worked to develop ideas to improve academic performance. They will detail their conclusions and seek validation and further input from the community. The sessions will be from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. each night in the Cafetorium at Springfield High. Whether you have children in the school system or not, I urge you to attend. Have a great Chamber day!